Tuesday, July 17, 2007

God is good!

My life has been full of emotion and craziness for the past few days. Don spent all of Saturday and Saturday night stuck in an airport trying to get to Dallas. He finally got there on Sunday morning just in time to rush to the hotel and take a shower to go to the church he was visiting. Since Don was going to be gone on Saturday night I had three of my high school girls spend the night with me and were coming to check out C3 with me in the morning. I was up late with the girls talking and my mom called me about 12:45 a.m. to tell me that I needed to come to her house because she called 911 and she thought my Dad was having a heart attack. I quickly left the house and took my mom to the hospital. We were there all night in the E.R. then they moved him into the open heart ICU. I got home at 5:00 a.m. to find my high school girls waiting up for me because they were worried about me. God knew that I needed them there that night. If they were not there to watch my kids, I would not have been able to go be with my mom and dad. They also were there to listen to my worries and concerns. God used those girls to show me that He will always work things out for His good for those who love Him. My Dad is home now. They had to do a stint in one artery and the others are also 60% blocked. He goes back in three weeks for a check-up and to see if they will have to put another stint in. The ball is in his court now to make changes to take better care of himself. I was bummed that I missed church on Sunday. I was telling Sandi that I knew that God put the girls in my house that night for a reason and that God would not give me more than I can bear and she told me that is what the sermon at church was about on Sunday. God is good all the time!

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