Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The New Semester Begins

Today I spent most of the morning at UCF for orientation for my Senior internship. I am so excited that it is my last semester (at least for my Bachelor's). My coordinator is so nice and he will be a great help throughout the semester. The only thing that I was disappointed in was the fact that I will be teaching 5th grade. I had requested K-2 and I was hoping for 2nd or 3rd grade but I got 5th. I know it is still going to be a great experience and maybe teaching 5th grade will be my new passion. I start on Tuesday and I will still be coaching volleyball after school. Life should be very interesting in the Jacobson house for the next three months. Who am I kidding, life is always interesting in the Jacobson house=)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your LAST semester!!! :) That's so exciting!